While on Kotaku, i saw this really awesome article about the realism of video game drunkenness. They even made a video where they tried to see how realistic it is. Yeah, it weren't realistic. But check out the video, if you got the time!
How Realistic Is Video Game Drunkenness? - VIDEO
haha, amazing. Whenever I'm drunk in GTAIV I always think how similar I behave in real life (minus the drive-bys, and so on!)
SvarSletI really doubt they can recreate it in-game.
SvarSletJust watched the video.
SvarSletWas pretty entertaining, to say the least.
Games are always trying to emulate real life.
Sure, they can make the camera blurry and they can make the controls a little shaky, but that's only a fraction of inebriation :D
For me, being drunk is more about how I feel, not blurry vision and whatnot, yknow?
in GTA its very funny when you are drunk
SvarSletGTA is the best drunk simulator ever
SvarSletI remember when I played wow. I would buy loads of beer, sit in an empty dark room and get hammered. Then I gave it up! (wow) And now all is well with the world!
SvarSletI don't think video games nowadays are able to affect your conscious.
SvarSletI've never seen GTA's drunkenness but I would like to recommend the drunkenness in The Witcher.
SvarSletI can't wait for The Witcher 2 to arrive.
i dont drink so i couldnt compare it to anything but i think its awesome to be able to get drunk in videogames
SvarSletThe video is very interesting, but the girl has a very long neck, it looks weird :)
SvarSletwhan i get drunk, i get really really girlish and laugh laugh laugh at anything
SvarSletThis could be fun... while drunk!
SvarSlethahaha... totally awesome. I want to see someone playing wii-drunk! :)
SvarSletHm, good point theyre saying, never saw it that way.
SvarSletOMG at the bottom of the page: "She came, she saw, she got pregnant" WTF? :D
SvarSletplaying a drunk game doesn't seem too fun =x
SvarSletI prefer not to get drunk at all even ingame .
SvarSletNow the kicker is playing drunk while your character is drunk.
SvarSletdude i get video game sloshed
SvarSletso drunk!
SvarSletOnly if in GTA you laugh at things and talk really loud.
SvarSletGuys! Guys! GUYS! SHHHHH